A small farming community in Dolinguo, located within the Sanuor Electoral Area of the Wa West District, has been struck by a tragic incident. A building collapse on Saturday night resulted in the loss of two lives and left one individual fighting for survival.
The community is now grappling with the aftermath of the devastating incident.
The victims of the building collapse were identified as Suon-Yir Mader, a 60-year-old man, and his eldest son Suon-Yir Kwabena, who was in his 30s. Tragically, they were sleeping inside the building when it suddenly collapsed on them. Another occupant, an eight-year-old primary school pupil, miraculously survived the collapse but sustained injuries.
The incident occurred in the family house while some family members were attending a funeral in the nearby community of Sanuor.
Honorable Robert Niitey Yobier, the Assembly Member of the area, shared details of the incident with Info Radio. He revealed that the collapse happened around 11 PM, and at the time, some family members were away at a funeral in the neighboring community.
The sudden collapse of the building has shaken the community and left them in a state of shock and mourning.
Soure : Info Radio