In a shocking turn of events, the Ghana Police Service has arrested Anaata, a well-known wedding MC, for allegedly defiling over 30 little girls between the ages of 8 and 13 years in the Wa Municipality. This horrifying crime has sent shockwaves through the community, and justice is now being sought for the victims.

According to reliable sources close to Home Radio, Anaata had been evading authorities for several months, but on Friday, 4th August, the long arm of the law finally caught up with him. The police acted swiftly and apprehended the suspected pedophile in Wa.

The gravity of the alleged crimes has left the community in disbelief and anguish. The young victims, innocent and vulnerable, have had their lives irreparably altered, and their families are seeking answers and accountability.

Currently, Anaata is in the custody of the Ghana Police Services as investigations into the allegations continue. The authorities are determined to ensure that justice is served and that all necessary measures are taken to protect children from harm.

Source: Adel Fuseini


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