In a heart-wrenching incident reported early Monday by Homeradio, a newborn baby has been found abandoned and lifeless in an uncompleted building in Kumbiehi, a suburb of the Wa Municipality.

The gruesome discovery was made in a building that residents have informally used as a place of convenience. The Home Radio news team, upon arrival at the scene, confirmed that the baby was already deceased.

The news of the abandoned baby has left residents of Kumbiehi in shock. Witnesses expressed disbelief and sorrow at the tragedy.

“It’s heartbreaking to think someone could abandon an innocent baby like this,” lamented one resident. “We need to find out who did this and why.”

The police have been called to the scene and have commenced investigations into the matter. Authorities are urging residents to come forward with any information that could help identify the mother or shed light on the circumstances leading to the abandonment.

More soon..

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