A young man, believed to be in his early 30s, was brutally slaughtered and buried in Dobile-Lowcost, a suburb of the Wa Municipality. According to reports, the young man was a driver’s mate on a trailer truck carrying salt, which arrived in Wa last night, leading to the unfortunate incident during an overnight stay.

Related: Wa – Konta : Security Guard Murdered

This tragic event adds to the increasing list of ongoing serial killings in the municipality, causing significant fear and panic among residents. The murder occurred just two days after the youth of Wa took to the streets in a demonstration against the serial killings, demanding safety and justice.


Speaking to the assemblyman of the area, he expressed his deep concern about the incident, highlighting the growing threat and urgency for action. “We are at a point where these murderers can just walk into one’s abode and slaughter them,” he said. He pleaded with authorities to empower assemblymen to mobilize community task forces in their areas to curb the ongoing menace.

Read Also: Wa _ Two Watchmen Murdered in One Night

A month ago, two watchmen were murdered in a single night, and to date, there have been no positive updates or traces of the perpetrators.

The community is left with a looming question: Who is next?


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