UW/R: MP Donates Equipment To Health Facilities In The Municipality;


The member of parliament for Sissala East and also double as a deputy minister of Sanitation and water resources Hon Amidu Chinnia donated to some twelve health facilities in the Municipality. Speaking after the donation he said

“Today I presented some equipments to twelve health facilities in my Municipality and the municipal health directorate itself. The equipments included eight patient beds, two delivery beds, six desk top computers, one projector and one reuter.

Twelve health facilities and the municipal health directorate benefitted from the presentation. This support is aimed at resourcing the facilities with basic tools to improve their efficiency and effectiveness in health delivery to my constituents.

I took the opportunity to urge all beneficiary facilities to cultivate the culture of maintenance in order to get maximum benefit from the equipments. I also entreated our communities to develop the spirit of communal labour such that we can support them to under take self help projects so as to cut down the cost of investment”


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