In a deeply distressing incident that has sent shockwaves through the football community, the head coach of Tiyumba FC, known as Kubli, has allegedly assaulted Mohammed Sakina Nasara, a female referee, during a Women’s Division One League game held in Tamale.
The vicious attack left the referee severely injured, necessitating her admission to the Tamale Technical University Hospital for urgent treatment. This distressing incident raises serious concerns about player safety, fair play, and the urgent need for stricter measures to prevent such occurrences.
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During the intense Women’s Division One League match, tensions on the field escalated to an alarming extent. It is reported that Kubli, the head coach of Tiyumba FC, physically attacked Mohammed Sakina Nasara, a highly respected female referee officiating the game.
Eyewitnesses describe a horrific scene where the coach unleashed a flurry of blows, leaving the referee severely injured and in need of immediate medical attention.
Following the incident, swift action was taken by concerned parties and the local authorities. Mohammed Sakina Nasara was promptly admitted to the Tamale Technical University Hospital, where she is currently receiving treatment for her injuries. The football community and fans are expressing their solidarity and support for the referee, condemning the heinous act of violence perpetrated against her.
The incident has also sparked discussions regarding the safety of officials and players in the Women’s Division One League and the broader issue of violence in sports.
It is expected that the football governing bodies will conduct a thorough investigation into the incident, taking appropriate disciplinary action against the responsible coach and implementing measures to prevent such incidents in the future.