Sending money to family in Ghana: 4 tips to consider


It’s not uncommon for Ghanaians who are living and working abroad to send some money back home to support their families or save it up at home for their return.

If you are considering moving to a Western country to work or have already been offered a job that you are going to take, then the idea of living and working abroad can be an exciting prospect, along with the additional financial support that you will be able to provide to those closest to you.

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However, living and working abroad while sending back money to support your family is not always easy. So, keep these tips in mind to make sure that everything runs smoothly.

First of all, you will need to think about how you are going to get the money back to your family at home. There are plenty of options for sending money internationally, and some are easier than others. For example, you can easily send money to Ghana with Money transfer apps are a great option as all you need to do is download the app and ask whoever you are sending money to back home to do the same. Then, you can easily make the transfer from the comfort of home, and the money is usually sent straight away.

It’s important to ensure that you and your family have realistic expectations when it comes to how much money you are going to be able to send back when you are living and working abroad. Don’t forget that while living and working in another country, you will need to pay tax on your earnings, you’ll need to cover your own living expenses, and perhaps you want to put aside some money in savings for yourself too.

Having a firm budget to stick to will help you ensure that you can help your family out without being short on money for your own expenses and savings. Before you come to an agreement with your family, it’s a good idea to be clear on how much you are going to be spending each month on living arrangements, transport, utility bills, food, and anything else you need to pay for. Then, consider how much money you want to put into your own savings each month before determining how much you will be able to comfortably send home.

Money issues can cause problems for even the closest of families, so the best thing to do is make sure that you are communicating well with your family and keeping them in the loop. Make sure that all of you are clear on the plan and that your expectations are aligned to avoid trouble later. Be clear on how much money you are going to be able to send, when you will send it, and how you will send it.

Living and working abroad can be an ideal way to make extra money for your family at home and help them live a better life. If you are planning to do this, then keep these tips in mind for a good experience.


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