Ramadan: Bahass Foundation Reaches Out to the Needy


The Bahass Foundation, a well-known Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) based in the Upper West Region caring for the mentally ill has taken charity work to the next level in terms of service to humanity and philanthropy.

The Foundation headed by Mr. Iliasu Yusif Baba known in private life as Chairman Bahass has been donating food items and cooking oils to vulnerable people including widows, the sick, the aged and the visually impaired in some selected communities within the Wa Municipality of the Upper West Region.

Chairman Bahass indicated he has delineated to visit 20 communities within the Wa Municipality to share with vulnerable people in those communities. He accentuated the importance of the project ”Ramadan Smile” as inspiration from the Holy Scripture reprimanding all Muslims to do well and share with the needy, especially in the month of Ramadan. He emphasised that the reward of Sadaqat comes in multiples: he supported his motivation from the glorious Quran that Allah says:
“The likeness of those who spend for Allah’s sake is as the likeness of a grain of corn, it grows seven branches every single ear has a hundred grains, and Allah multiplies (increases the reward of) for whom He wills, and Allah is sufficient for His creatures’ needs, All-Knower) (Qur’an, 2:261)’’.

Chairman Bahass further indicated that the project is not for naming praising; rather his obligation to Allah as a believer in him. He likewise stated that, the goodies are not enough to sustain beneficiaries for a very long time. He therefore relights that society and its people should provide care and support the needs and aspirations of one another, most particularly the needs of the less-privileged.

He indicated living a fulfilling life and putting a smile on the face of vulnerable people should be the hallmark of everyone, even as that is his greatest desire and hope. “We must find the contentment and joy of each of us very imperative and crucial and so do our extreme best to achieving it” he added.
The project has seen him visit Dondoli, Wapaani, Dokpong and among other communities.
Chairman Bahass further charged ‘well-to-do’ citizens and Muslim not to only share in the month of Ramadan, but rather to continue lending support as a commandment from Allah. He says “society will only get better if we developed a culture of support and appreciation of kindness, love, compassion and empathy to one another’’. He added that “should these great acts drive all of us as a society, and charity becomes a part of our everyday lifestyle and activities, as doing well to others have no limits, then we all can be sure of a society that can be likened to paradise”.
He further appreciated all and sundry including groups in and around Wa who have been supportive to this great act of charity and prayed for Allah’s continuous blessing on them. Its his hope that Allah also meet their needs and aspiration.

Filed by:Tahiru Lukman
Youth Activist, Dev’t Consultant and Pan- African Author

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