I was paid GH¢300 for NPP campaign advert, now my life is under threat – NABCO trainee cries

For many, he will always be associated with the billboard commercial he starred in during the 2020 general election “Take me in mind. Your vote is crucial to my financial stability.”

He has benefited from the government’s flagship program NABCO (Nations Builders Corps) where he now serves as a teacher.

The 35-year-old, who goes by the name Nicholas Teye, claims that his life is in danger as a result of the widespread NPP campaign and the party’s subsequent victory in the presidential election.

Nicholas, in an interview with TV3, said that many Ghanaians hold him personally responsible for the country’s economic woes because of his support of the ruling party.

The SHS educator said he felt threatened enough to the point that he now wears a nose mask and a cap anytime he leaves the house.

“My major challenge is the threat. So any time I have to go out I have to put on a nose mask and sometimes a cap so that I have to disguise myself.

“Sometimes, I will be in the room, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday without going out because I am afraid if I step out I don’t know what will happen to me. The moment they see you they are angry and they want to beat you because you are part of the reasons why they are suffering. Sometimes they will call you and threaten you.

“Sometimes my wife will tell me where I am going, if I have the money I should take Uber,” Teye narrated.

The teacher indicated that he was not told that his photo will be used for a campaign billboard.

He said he was paid ¢300 for the advert.
Nicholas said that he was a NABCO recipient and was informed that his picture would be used in a calendar and a magazine, not a political advertisement, and that if anybody found out the truth, they would be eligible for a payment of $300.

Before receiving the $300, he was required to sign a document stating that he consented to the use of his image in the NPP 2020 campaign, a promise he had not previously made.

“I was very angry when I read the notice because I told them they should have informed me earlier before snapping the photo, so I did not sign and I left.

When I got home, my wife and the woman who helped me with funds to pay for the NABCO training said I should go for the money…I later went and signed for the ¢300…,” Nicholas Teye stressed.


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