In a recent turn of events, Naana Brown and Diamond Appiah, once inseparable friends and partners in the gossip industry, have found themselves embroiled in a bitter dispute. The former best friends have taken to publicly hurling accusations at each other, seizing every opportunity to reveal shocking revelations.
In a viral video circulating on social media, Naana Brown claims to have unveiled a clandestine relationship between Diamond Appiah and Maxwell Mensah, the husband of actress Nana Ama Mcbrown. According to Naana Brown, Maxwell Mensah was previously involved with another musician, Mzbel, before Diamond Appiah entered the picture. Allegedly, Maxwell began engaging in secret liaisons with both Mzbel and Diamond Appiah simultaneously.
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The video suggests that Diamond Appiah successfully managed to win over Maxwell Mensah from Mzbel, resulting in the deterioration of their friendship and transforming them into sworn enemies.
Adding more fuel to the fire, Naana Brown goes on to disclose that Diamond Appiah’s best friend eventually snatched Maxwell away from her as well, even after Naana Brown had introduced Maxwell Mensah to her.