Heir apparent to Yaa Naa dies


The Paramount Chief of the Mion traditional area of Dagbon, Mion-Lana Mahamadu Abdullai V, has been laid to rest at Sambu, the traditional capital of Mion.

He was 48.

The late Mion-Lana died at the 37 military hospital on Wednesday August, 17 after a short illness.

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His body was airlifted to Yendi where he was subsequently laid to rest.

The entire Dagbon has been thrown into a state of shock following the news of his passing.

Born in 1974, Mion Lana Mahamudu Abdulai the V was the first son of his father the late Ya-Naa Mahamadu Abdulai IV.

He was 14 when the father died and was accordingly enskinned as Boling-Lana Mahamadu Abdulai, a day after Ya Naa Mahamadu Abdulai IV was buried at the Katini duu (Sacred house).

He was enskinned as Mionlana on March 3, 2019, at the Gbewa Palace in Yendi by Ya-Naa Abukari IV after the performance of the funeral of his late father Ya-Naa Mahamadu Abdulai IV.

Mion-Lana Mahamadu Abdulai V was one of the contenders to ascend the Dagbon Naamship.


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