Four Easy Ways To Make Money With Your Site


Whether you’re hoping to turn your site into a business, begin blogging full-time, or simply want to new way to fund your coffee habit, there are several ways to make money online with your website.

By choosing to build your site on WordPress.​com, you already have access to the tools to build. But since you’re on the Free plan, your ability to make money with your site is limited.

The good news is that when you upgrade, you’ll gain instant access to four of the best ways to make money with your site.
1. Recurring and One-time Payments

The Payments and Donations features let you accept credit and debit card payments right on your site. Choose whether you want to collect a one-time payment from your visitors, or recurring payments (for example, monthly or annually).

Whether you’re selling products or services, or collecting membership fees or donations, you’ll have a secure checkout process courtesy of Stripe that you can turn on with the click of a button.
2. Premium Content

You have great content. Specify certain content as Premium and require visitors to pay a monthly or annual fee to access it.
3. Paid Newsletters

Let your biggest fans become your financial supporters. Generate a reliable revenue stream by offering subscriptions to exclusive content, delivered via email and accessed directly on your website.
4. WordAds.

WordAds is the leading advertising platform for WordPress sites. With WordAds on your site, you’ll have the Internet’s top advertisers bidding against each other to place ads on your site, maximizing your revenue.

WordAds normally only accepts high-traffic sites to their platform, but you’ll gain automatic access if you upgrade to a Premium or Business plan today.

This are just few tips we’re sharing with you. So come back for more tips as we get serving you with best contents that suits you. Kindly recommend our site to your families and friends.

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