Fancy Gadam names his 3rd child after the Holy month of Ramadan


A singer from Ghana named Fancy Gadam is well-known for his distinctive brand of music, which combines modern beats with traditional African rhythms. It’s commendable that he decided to give his third child the name ‘Ramadan’, which has special significance in Islam.

For Muslims worldwide, Ramadan is a month of fasting, prayer, introspection, and almsgiving. It is a time when Muslims concentrate on enhancing their moral and spiritual ideals as well as their relationship with God.

Naming a kid Ramadan can be interpreted as an expression of respect and awe for the importance and influence of this holy month.

It’s lovely when parents give their kids names that have meaning and are representative of their culture, values, and worldview.

Mohammed Ramadan’s naming ceremony took place over the weekend at the Music Stars family home in Tamale, the capital of the Northern Regional State.

Among the dignitaries that attended the celebration of the music star were musicians, media professionals, and music fans.


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