Download : Made In Wa Vrs Grass To Grace Hosted by DJ ANT | BlitzzAfrica.Com


These two album went down in the history of Upper West music as the most glamorous albums ever lanched. The said albums was lauched by the current two upper west most influencial arteste.

Made In Wa’ was lanuched by Dhopest Crew based artiste Wiz Maleek in September, 2020. It features undebatable the biggest artistes including The Mightest Samini, Fancy Gadam and Teflon Flex all included. It currently has 167k+ streams on audiomack.

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‘Grass to Grass’ was lanched by Best Gally from Wisdom Music on 26th December 2021 at In- Service training center.The Album feature to arts from the north like Fad Lan, Cypid, King Raph,Ras Badingu, Samson B,El Twist, etc .Grass to Grass is currently clocking 263k+ streams on audiomack.

Related: Wiz Maleek Ft. Samini – All Over (Official Video)

The two camps are still in loggerheads on the debate if the most successful albums in history.

Your priceless Dj,(Dj Ant) serves listeners the pleasure in listening to all tracks from both album in one mixtape.

After listening you can make your judgement but for now, the debate is still on……………..

Listen Below;



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