Couple Set World Record For Greatest Height Difference(photos)


Couple Set World Record For Greatest Height Difference. James and Chloe Lusted from the United Kingdom have set the record in new Guinness records as a couple with the greatest height differential in the entire world.

James and Chloe Lusted
James and Chloe Lusted
Photos @Guiness World Records, Facebook

According to Guinness World Records, the couple, James and Chloe Lusted, have been happily married since 2016 and are based in the United Kingdom.

The couple broke the record in June 2, 2021, and would be featured in 2023, the post said

James, the husband stands at 3fr7 in while the wife, Chloe stands at 5ft5.4 in with a difference of approximately 1ft 10 in.

Guinness World records write: James and Chloe Lusted have been married since 2016. They are based in the UK and come from the same hometown.

Together they feature in the new Guinness World Records 2023 edition, and on 2 June 2021, they broke the record for the greatest height differential of a married couple (different s*xes/taller women)

With James standing at 109.3 cm (3ft 7 in) and his wife Chloe being 166.1 cm (5ft 5.4 in), the couple has 56.8cm – almost 2 ft (1ft, 10 in) – between them.

“Being 3 ft 7 is tricky sometimes. But I can do everything you can do, just in a different way.”

James and Chloe Lusted
James and Chloe Lusted With their Kid
Photos @Guiness Word Records, Facebook


James and Chloe Lusted
Photo @Guinness World Records, Facebook


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