Akorfa Edjeani, a veteran Ghanaian actress and director, has called for the mandatory inclusion of books by the late Professor Ama Ata Aidoo and other African writers in the curriculum of primary schools.

She believes that literature should not be limited to elective courses or reading clubs, but should be an integral part of education from a young age. According to Edjeani, reading literature enriches lives and enlightens readers.

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Edjeani highlighted the importance of preserving the legacy of writers like Ama Ata Aidoo, particularly for Ghanaian students. She praised Aidoo’s writing style, which used simple language and addressed themes that everyday people could relate to. Aidoo’s deliberate inclusion of quotes in the Fante language, translated into English, also reflected her love and respect for Ghanaian culture.

The actress commended Aidoo for her courage and trailblazing role in breaking gender barriers. She emphasized the significance of Aidoo’s boldness and vocal activism, considering that she wrote her books about 60 years ago.

Edjeani believes that Aidoo’s work should be cherished and promoted, and that more needs to be done to encourage the reading of her books and other African literature.

Professor Ama Ata Aidoo, a renowned Ghanaian author, poet, playwright, and academic, passed away on May 31, 2023, at the age of 81 after a brief illness.

Aidoo was known for her feminist perspective and her portrayal of the condition of African women in her works, including “The Dilemma of a Ghost,” “Our Sister Killjoy,” and “Changes.” She also served as Ghana’s education minister in the early 1980s.


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