Calling all compassionate individuals and organizations to lend a helping hand to Lassia Tuolu SHS in this trying times! On March 10, 2024, a devastating fire ravaged the school, destroying its Multipurpose Hall, Kitchen, and store Rooms, affecting 1,232 students and staff members. As a result, the school has been forced to close down indefinitely.

But amidst this tragedy, we have the power to make a difference! Your generous donations can help Lassia Tuolu SHS recover and rebuild, offering hope and a brighter future for the affected students.

Now is the time to show our support and solidarity by rallying together to assist this school in rising from the ashes. Whether big or small, every contribution will have a significant impact on their recovery efforts.

Let’s unite in this noble cause and extend a helping hand to those in need. Together, we can make a positive difference in the lives of these students and contribute to rebuilding Lassia Tuolu SHS.



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