Renowned Islamic scholar Saeed Yahaya, popularly known as ‘Japan Man,’ has been expelled from the Ahlussuna Wal Jama’a sect in the upper west region, according to reports. The expulsion was confirmed through a letter signed by the regional Chief Imam of Ahlussuna Wal Jama’a, Sheikh Gaus Mohammed, and obtained by
In the letter, Japan Man was instructed to cease representing the Ahlussuna Wal Jama’a sect at official gatherings and events, and his membership in the faith was revoked. The specific reasons behind his expulsion have not been disclosed.
The expulsion of Japan Man, from in the Ahlussuna Wal Jama’a sect, has stirred controversy and speculation among followers of the faith. Many are curious about the circumstances surrounding his removal and await further clarification from the Ahlussuna Wal Jama’a leadership.
see letter below