An unsettling incident involving a police officer stationed at the Nadowli police station has sparked outrage in the Nadowli/Kaleo district of the Upper West Region. The officer, identified as Ebenezer, is facing allegations of assaulting a resident and causing severe injury.

The victim of this alleged police assault, Mr. Richard Kpere, recounted the harrowing incident to Info Radio. He shared that the incident occurred when he and a colleague were returning from Chari-kpong, a community in the Nadowli/Kaleo district. Upon encountering a police barrier, they were halted by the police for not wearing a crash helmet.

Mr. Kpere stated that while his colleague engaged with the police, he decided to fetch a crash helmet. During this time, the accused police officer, Ebenezer, unexpectedly rushed towards him and delivered a forceful kick to his legs using his boots, resulting in a fractured leg.

Mr. Richard Kpere is presently admitted at the Nadowli district hospital, where he is receiving medical treatment for his injuries sustained during the alleged assault.

The incident has triggered a strong reaction within the local community, with residents expressing concern over the behavior of the accused police officer. An eyewitness, Mr. Samuel, spoke to Info Radio and disclosed that the accused officer has been linked to previous instances of assaulting residents. He appealed to the Upper West Regional leadership of the Ghana Police Service to thoroughly investigate the assault case involving Mr. Richard Kpere.

The Nadowli district police have been informed about the alleged assault, and the case has subsequently been referred to the regional police administration for a comprehensive investigation.

Source: InfoRadio


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