In a shocking twist to the ongoing Rashid Ahmed aka Anaata believed to be around 35 years old, currently undergoing trial for a series of 20 charges, encompassing defilement, attempted defilement, and indecent assault. 

New revelations have come to light, providing a deeper insight into the disturbing events surrounding the accused. As the legal proceedings unfold, these shocking accounts have further intensified the public’s attention and concerns surrounding the case.

Related post: Anaata’s trial : “You placed me on your laps and spit saliver on your d*ck to aid penetration” , 8-year-old testified in court today

According to the alleged victims, a particularly unsettling incident transpired on a significant day. Reportedly, on Sallah day, the accused extended an invitation to a group of 17 individuals, subsequently gathering them at their residence. What ensued next was an event that has left many appalled – the victims claim that they were lined up for what they describe as an “orgy.”

These revelations have added another layer of complexity to the case, raising questions about the alleged actions of the accused and the potential implications they could have on the ongoing legal proceedings.

The emergence of such allegations underscores the need for a thorough investigation and a fair trial that will take into account the gravity of the accusations being made.


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