A heart-wrenching incident has cast a shadow over the farming community of Galinkpegu in the Tolon district, where four farmers met a tragic end in a canoe accident at the Golinga dam. The incident unfolded as they were returning from a day of work on their farmland.
The group, consisting of seven farmers, embarked on their journey back from the farm, navigating the waters of the Golinga dam in a canoe. However, their return took a disastrous turn when the canoe capsized, leading to the loss of four lives. The devastating incident has sent shockwaves through the local community.
Three fortunate individuals managed to escape the perilous situation, ultimately surviving the ordeal. Their harrowing experience has left them as witnesses to the tragic event that unfolded on the calm waters of the dam.
Natogmah Zakaria, the assemblyman for the area, confirmed the heartbreaking incident to Citi News, shedding light on the details surrounding the tragedy. He explained, “The seven people went to farm on a canoe and on their return, the canoe capsized, and the four got drowned. Three bodies have been retrieved, remaining one. Three survived.”
Source: Citinewsroom