Pastor Brian Amoateng threatens iChris over homeless street boy story


Renowned Ghanaian youth empowerment advocate and preacher, Pastor Brian Amoateng warns blogger, iChris. His stern warning comes on the back of a story about a homeless street boy he shared.

iChris shared the story of a boy he allegedly dumped on the streets after promising to help him. According to 16-year-old Gideon Boateng, Pastor Brian Amoateng dumped him on the streets despite promising to help take him back to school.

However, the revered man of God debunked the boy’s claims stating it is all lies. He helped the boy as promised but he(the boy) rather ran away from him. Besides, he has evidence to prove he really helped the boy as he promised.

Moreover, Pastor Brian Amoateng threatened iChris for sharing the story without adequate facts. In a comment on iChris’s Instagram post, he warned that the next time he repeats that he would not like what he’d do to him.

Nonetheless, the blogger replied stating he was only doing his job after he was touched by the boy’s sad story. Little did he know the boy was just peddling falsehood. Besides, he stated categorically in his story he cannot confirm the boy’s claims.

“Pastor Brian, sorry if you were offended by my reportage. No malice was meant. I only shared the video because I was touched by the boy’s supposed sad story. He mentioned you, so I also wanted to confirm the claim. That’s why my caption had a question mark and you were tagged. It is one of those publications I do to see if those in need can get any aid, not for ‘likes’. However, since to err is human, I implore that instead of just warning me, kindly make available to me the said receipts to be added to my rejoinder of the initial reportage. Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you,” iChris replied.


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