Boy born with two penises forced to have the bigger one chopped off by doctors

veterinarian surgeons in operation room take with blue filter

A boy born with two penises has been forced to have the bigger one chopped off by doctors.

veterinarian surgeons in operation room take with blue filter

The Brazilian lad’s organs were conjoined at the base because of a one-in-five-million condition called Diphallia.

Medics originally planned to let him keep the left one, which was bigger.

But the surgeons changed the procedure after the boy’s mother expressed concerns that he could only urinate from his right.

It comes after a boy in Iraq was reported a boy being born with three penises, a defect known as Triphalia.

Doctors at the Federal University of Sao Paulo acted on the information and successfully carried out the operation in the city.

The first case of Diphallia was recorded in the 1600s and details of the latest report was stated in the Journal of Pediatric Urology.

Diphallia is a rare anomaly,” the paper begun. “It has a range of appearances from a small accessory penile to complete duplication.

“We present a two year-old boy with complete penile duplication. The left penile was the largest.

“Nuclear Magnetic Resonance suggested one corporal body for each penile and VCUG (Voiding Cystourethrogram) showed a normal urethra in the right penile and stricture at glandular and mid penile urethra of the left penis.

“The cystoscopy through the right penile identified the urethral confluence in the bulbar area. We performed a meatotomy in the left penile to insert the cystoscope and confirmed the blind ending urethra.

“We decided to remove this penile. The penile was degloved entirely and clamped and took out the corpora at the base.”

In conclusion, the journal ended: “The treatment should always be planned individually whereas associated anomalies with the goal of attaining satisfactory functional and cosmetic results.”

Surgeons were able to completely detach his extra penis, meaning the unidentified child wasn’t left with a stump.

Earlier this year, an Uzbekistani boy born with two completely functioning penises.

He lived with the condition for seven years without physical discomfort.




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