Anas Aremeyaw Anas, the renowned Ghanaian investigative journalist, has hinted at another explosive exposé that is set to air on BBC Africa Eye in January 2025. In a video clip that has gone viral, Anas teased the upcoming documentary, describing it as one of his most shocking works to date.

According to Anas, the documentary, which is likely to be released in January 2025, reveals disturbing and unsettling truths about the nature of human behavior. In the viral video, he said, “Get ready for a shocker on the BBC Africa Eye”, adding that the content of the documentary had personally shocked him.

When asked if the documentary would be seen globally, the award-winning journalist confirmed, “It will go globally. It will play on the World Service. It will play on BBC Africa Eye.” The documentary is expected to reach a wide international audience, with the BBC World Service also airing it to ensure global visibility.

Anas went on to reveal that parts of the documentary were so gory and disturbing that it moved him to tears. He said, “But even me, when I saw the film and I got to the middle, I got out and I went away because the scenes are gory. People can be evil.” His emotional response underscores the intensity and brutality of the content, which is expected to leave viewers shocked and deeply affected.

The documentary promises to reveal the wickedness of people in a way that has never been seen before. Anas, known for his hard-hitting investigative pieces, has built a reputation for exposing corruption and injustice, and this new exposé is expected to be no different.


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