2023 BECE Grading System in Ghana


This publication seeks to educate students and Ghanaians on the 2023 BECE  Grading System

In an effort to apply consistent measurements of various levels of accomplishment in a course, the WAEC  BECE  Grading System was developed. Letters, a range, a percentage, or a number out of a possible total can all be used to represent grades. In certain nations, grades are averaged to create a grade point average.

The grading system will help parents and students choose courses or programs that satisfied the necessary Cut-Off points.

Below is the BECE grading system covered in details.

BECE Marks and Grades: Interpretation

The following are their BECE marks and grades. GRADE A+ is assigned to 90-100. The second category in this classification, 80-89, is graded as GRADE A. GRADE C is 50-54 or number 6 in the grading system.

How are BECE Scores Calculated?

Candidates are graded based on their performance in the external examination (objective and written) and the school’s Continuous (Internal) Assessment marks. Candidates are graded on a nine-point numerical scale, with Grade 1 denoting the best performance and Grade 9 denoting the worst.

BECE Scores and Grades

The following are the BECE marks and grades that you must know in order to calculate your aggregate.

  • 90-100 is graded as 1, GRADE AA+. It is the HIGHEST grade in the grading system.
  • 80-89, the second category in this classification is graded as 2, GRADE A. it is denoted as HIGHER.
  • 70-79, is grade 3, a B+, and is described as HIGH.
  • 60 -69 is grade 4, GRADE B, described as HIGH AVERAGE.
  • 55 – 60 is GRADE C+, classified as 5, and described as AVERAGE.
  • LOW AVERAGE is a description of marks falling between 50-54 and GRADE C; number 6 in the grading system.
  • Any mark ranging between 40-49 is considered as GRADE D+ and number 7; is described as LOW
  • 35-39 is GRADE E which is number 8, described as LOWER in the Stanine grading system.
  • GRADE F, 9 characterized by 9 is the LOWEST grade, which falls between 0-34.

Your chances of being admitted to your top school increase with your BECE grade. With the use of the Computerized School Selection and Placement System, the GES enrolls pupils in schools across the nation (CSSPS).


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